Wild Magic and the Arcane Arts

Mana Attribute

Establishing Mana as a key attribute for interacting with and manipulating wild magic is a great way to quantify a character's magical aptitude. This system allows for a broad spectrum of magical abilities, from novice spellcasters to master wizards.

Spellcasting Mechanics

Spells as structured rituals make magic accessible and controllable, but the inherent unpredictability of wild magic introduces an element of risk. The outcome of spellcasting can vary based on the caster's Mana level, environmental conditions, or the presence of chaotic magical forces. This could lead to spellcasting mishaps, wild magic surges, or unexpected effects that add depth and excitement to magical encounters.

Elemental Forces Interplay

The idea of spells manifesting through combinations of elemental forces that represent control over states of matter is fascinating and offers a creative basis for designing spells. Encourage players to experiment with elemental combinations, rewarding innovative uses of magic with unique or enhanced effects.

Oblivion Corruption and Risk

Oblivion presents a dark counterpart to the creative potential of wild magic. Introducing mechanics where spells or abilities tap into Oblivion's power at the risk of corruption or other negative consequences can provide compelling choices for characters. Oblivion Corruption is a resource that tracks a character's exposure to or control over Oblivion's influence, impacting their interactions with magic, NPCs, and the world itself.

Deific Influence and Aspect Attribute

Aspect as a measure of a deity's favor is a powerful tool for role-playing and character development. It ties the characters' abilities and progression to their relationship with their deity, emphasizing the role of faith and worship in the game.

The system of divining core and antithetic aspects, along with the cost modifiers, adds a strategic layer to using divine powers. It encourages players to align closely with their deity's ethos, further integrating character backstory and motivations into gameplay. The linkage of Aspect to specific abilities and interventions from deities can lead to dynamic storytelling and character arcs.

Psionics and Psionic Faculties

Psionics introduce a third pillar of supernatural ability that is distinct from magic and divinity. By basing psionic abilities on an internal resource (Psyche) and requiring the development of specific faculties, you create a system where psionic power is deeply personal and variable.

“The struggle between wild magic and Oblivion, the influence of deities, and the emergence of psionic abilities can all serve as key plot points, conflict drivers, and sources of quests and adventures.”