Flexible and Sophisticated Game Mechanics

Action Resolution System

By dividing attributes into Physical, Non-physical, and Metaphysical categories, and adding Special Characteristics and Karma, Ascended is a system that allows for nuanced character creation and development. This approach supports a wide range of character actions and interactions, grounded in the game's fantastical elements.

Ascended uses a skill-based system rather than a class-based one. Characters have a set of skills that can be improved over time. When a character attempts an action, they roll dice plus skill modifiers against a difficulty level set by the Game Master (GM). This system allows for a wide range of actions and outcomes based on character abilities and situational modifiers, rather than restricting actions by class.

Engaging Action Scenes

The use of Sequenced Phases for action scenes allows actions to be resolved in order of Sequence Rating and keeps players engaged. This system promotes strategic thinking and planning, as players must consider their actions within the context of the ongoing sequence while allowing for quick changes in strategy or unexpected turns of events, such as sudden challenges or opportunities to which players can respond.

Balanced Randomness

The use of Achievement Points (APs) for advancing skills and attributes allows for character growth based on player actions and decisions, balancing skill progression with randomness inherent in gameplay.

Different types and numbers of dice are used to achieve the desired outcome probability distribution. For standard actions, 2d10 and modifiers are used to provide a central tendency to outcome distribution, indicating a higher likelihood of average outcomes. For truly random outcomes, a single die roll of 1d20 is used to increase the range of possible outcomes. In some cases, such as with attack actions, critical success is achieved on the highest rolls to add excitement and unpredictability while keeping the game balanced.

Character Development Without Classes

By allowing characters to advance in skills and learn new ones through the application of APs, and by categorizing skills to provide bonuses through Special Characteristics, Ascended supports flexible character development. Encourage players to develop their characters in unique directions by following diverse paths to mastery and cross-category skill development.

Characters develop based on their experiences and actions in the game. Skills improve through training, rather than through leveling up in a predefined class. This lets players shape their characters organically, based on the narrative and their choices.

Emphasizing Dice Rolls

The Sequenced Phases and the mechanics for movement and combat ensure that dice rolls are central to determining the outcomes of character actions. This keeps the tactile and suspenseful aspect of RPGs alive. The rules call for dice rolls in a variety of situations, not just combat. This includes social interactions, problem-solving, and exploration. The goal is to make dice rolls a central part of the gameplay experience, connecting players with their characters' actions.

By integrating these principles into your RPG, you can create a game that encourages creativity, keeps players engaged, balances randomness with skill, and allows for deep character development without the constraints of predefined classes. Remember, the key to a successful RPG is flexibility in the rules to adapt to the players' storytelling needs and preferences.

“…the key to a successful RPG is flexibility in the rules to adapt to the players' storytelling needs and preferences.”